Programa 2020 | Reflexión Manual

August, 2020

The Balao 2020 residency program consisted of 5 creative residencies with the participation of 7 artists in 6 different cities for about 21 days. As part of my creation/research processes, I elaborated a manual reflection intertwined stories and provocations about creation at home.

‘Estos meses de encierro han significado habitar más que nunca reconocer mi ser en mi hogar familiar. Aceptar que soy un menjunje de seres nieta, artista, enfermera, trabajadora independiente desempleada, re-estudiante, etc… Durante las semanas de residencia Balao, he creado mientras cocinaba, mientras dormía, mientras cuidaba a mi Oma (abuela): le ponía gotas, le tomaba la presión y preparaba nuestros alimentos’ (Extracto de sección 2: Crear en casa)

‘These months of confinement meant to inhabit more than ever, to recognize my being in my family home. To accept that I am a mishmash of beings, granddaughter, artist, nurse, unemployed freelancer, re-student, etc… During the weeks of my Balao residency, I have created while cooking, while sleeping, while taking care of my Oma (grandmother): giving her drops, taking her blood pressure and preparing our meals’ (Excerpt from section 2: Creating at home)

The Manual Reflection includes texts and audiovisual support.

Access full text here

BALAO Residency website

Audiovisual links

1. Crear es tramar 

2. Práctica excavar

3. Cocinarse

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